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Release notes Uitgaven Api version 2023.1 (V6)

  • Expenditures are updated with the latest data of 2023.

  • Municipalities have been updated with the latest restructuring.

  • The allowed values of the property "Bouwjaar" have changed with respect to the V5 version.

Release notes Uitgaven Api version 2022.1 (V5)

Changes in expenditures 2022
  • Expenditures are updated with the latest data of 2022.

 Changes in expenditures 2021
  • Expenditures are updated with the latest data of 2021.

  Changes in expenditures 2020 (first release of v. 5)
  • The expenditure “Televisie" and "Internet" have been combined. In the JSON output the id's were 22 and 23 respectively. The new id is 22. In the XML output the id's "Televisie" and "Internet" are replace by "TelevisieEnInternet".

  • Expenditures are updated with the latest data of 2020. 

Release notes Uitgaven Api version 2019.1 (V4)

New feature

If the municipality is known, it can be used to calculate the taxes for that specific municipality. This applies to taxes such as the “onroerend zaakbelasting” that differ between municipalities.

A new endpoint will be made available that provides a list of all municipalities for which data is available with their corresponding Id. This Id can be used to set the GemeenteId or property/element of the Woning object/element. When calculating the reference amounts for local taxes, the amount for that specific municipality will be calculated.

If no municipality is specified, the result will be the countrywide average, just like in previous versions.

Please note that municipalities regularly fuse, so the list of municipalities and their id’s will usually change from one version of the API to the next. Also, even for the municipalities that do not fuse, we make no attempt to keep GemeenteId values the same.

Also note that GemeenteCbsId may not be unique. It is possible that municipalities which have been merged have different local taxes. These (former) municipalities will have a different GemeenteId. If the give GemeenteCbsId is duplicate, the API takes first GemeenteCbsId.

Changes in expenditures
  • The expenditure “Ouderbijdrage studiefinanciering" has been removed. In the JSON output the id was 42. In the XML output the id was OuderbijdrageStudiefinanciering.

  • Reference figures for two new insurances have been added to the expenditure DLL. This concerns a breakdown of the expenditure ‘Overig verzekering’, whose reference amount has thus become lower. In the JSON output the id is 39. In the XML output the id is OverigVerzekering. The new insurances are:

    • Rechtsbijstandverzekering. In JSON Id 31, in XML id Rechtsbijstandverzekering.

    • Reis- en annuleringsverzekering. In JSON Id 32, in XML id ReisEnAnnuleringsverzekering.

  • The expenditure "Inboedelverzekering" (In JSON Id 34, in XML id Inboedelverzekering) and ‘Opstalverzekering’ (In JSON id 35, in XML id Opstalverzekering) are combined into a single expenditure ‘Inboedel- en opstalverzekering (In JSON Id 34, in XML id InboedelEnOpstalverzekering).

  • The description of ‘Bankkosten’ has been modified to ‘Bankkosten en financiële diensten’. In the JSON output the id is 52. In the XML output the id is Bankkosten.

  • The reference figures for ‘contributies en abonnementen’ has been removed. In the JSON output the id was 50. In the XML output the id was ContributiesEnAbonnementen. This has been replaced by the following 4 reference figures:

    • Contributies sport/cultuur - in JSON Id 53, in XML id ContributiesSportEnCultuur.

    • Abonnementen - in JSON Id 54, in XML id Abonnementen.

    • Loterijen - in JSON Id 55, in XML id Loterijen.

    • Overige contributies en giften - in JSON Id 56,
       in XML id OverigeContributies.

Other Changes
  • Support for lodgers (kamerbewoners) has been removed and therefore ‘kamer‘ is removed from the enum type of the ‘woning’ object which is used to indicate the type of housing of a family.

  • Support for own risk (eigen risico) for health insurance has been removed and is therefore taken from the input for a ‘hoofdpersoon’.